Receive messages in the simulated device app
From a command prompt in your working directory, install the Azure IoT Hub Device SDK for Python
pip install azure-iot-device
Click on below given link and copy the python code for Device simulator
After copy, save the code in your python environment directory
Next step is to get connection string from azure IoT Hub and paste into the firmware
After completing these your code is ready. But wait! let's create another file to send data on azure IoT hub then we will run both files.
Send a cloud-to-device message
In your working directory, open a command prompt and install the Azure IoT Hub Service SDK for Python
pip install azure-iot-hub
Again copy the code from GitHub
and in the same way add connection string in code
Now your both codes are ready to fly ! I mean ready to run :)
So run it
python SimulatedDevice.py
and in another terminal run
python SendCloudToDeviceMessage.py
Now you can enjoy the Magic !
Shabbashhh..... MUGAMBO khush hua :)